Wednesday, February 1

i HEART cheer

I am a cheerleading coach. I have coached five seasons of two different high school teams and four seasons of multiple all star teams. I started coaching in 2005, and I truly love this sport more than anything. Here is a pic of this year's all star kiddos at a recent competition in Moscow, ID...

Build It Athletix
I love these kids. Cheer is about more than stunting or tumbling (even though that makes up a lot of it). What you really need for cheer is endurance, discipline, perseverance, and heart. The heart part is important.

Last night one of the cheerleaders I've coached for the last two seasons faced a horrible loss in her life. Her mom passed away from cancer. I am so heartbroken for her. She is a senior in high school, and that is such a tough time to lose someone you love.

Cheer is about heart. It is about how a gym of 90+ families will rally together when one of our own is hurting. Please keep this young lady, her younger sister, and the rest of their family in your thoughts and prayers.

Build It Athletix
The black, orange, and blue
The best of the best
We'll rock you!

1 comment:

  1. so sad. praying the athletix fam can minister to her hurting heart well!
